Training the best Recovery Coaches since 2020

Since January 2020, Still Here has had the privilege of connecting with individuals deeply committed to helping others recover from addiction. It all began with our inaugural Recovery Coach Training (class reactions here), an experience that has evolved into a remarkable story of resilience in the face of adversity.

When the pandemic struck, we contemplated transitioning to online training, but after firsthand experience and understanding the profound impact of in-person connection, we made a resolute decision to maintain in-person delivery. This choice has proven to be the best not only for us as a company but, more importantly, for the individuals we train and those who receive recovery coaching services.

This decision meant that our growth was deliberate and gradual, as numerous training dates had to be rescheduled due to pandemic restrictions. We remained agile and resourceful, constantly seeking ways to provide continued support to our initial training graduates.

Out of this need emerged the Recovery Coach Mentorship program, which seamlessly transitioned to an online format. The deep connections forged during our in-person training are seamlessly integrated into the virtual environment. Today, we are proud to mentor upwards of 40 coaches online every week, and we're actively supervising other coaches to do the same. Recent improvements in our mentorship program have further enhanced engagement, facilitating collaborative learning and practice through cutting-edge technology.

At Still Here, we consider our training to be a unique hybrid, combining high-touch and high-tech elements. We firmly believe that when we learn in community with both joy and vulnerability, we undergo a profound transformation and become a part of something greater than ourselves.

We invite you to join us on this transformative journey. Our next in-person training is scheduled for April 22-26, 2024, in the beautiful setting of White Rock, BC. It all begins with the power of genuine human connection.

Your presence and participation can make a world of difference in the lives of those on the path to recovery.